Top Latinas Entrepreneurs

“The Latinos are getting into entrepreneurship much more than any other groups”, this is all over the media and people are talking hugely on it. As per a study done by Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative, it is inferred that the number of businesses owned by the Latinos in the U.S. is increasing at a very fast pace, especially if we compare it to the other groups. This is quite impressive because Latinos are known to be lacking resources and capital, which are the prime requisites of starting a business.

Though the population in Latinas is also growing, which currently sits at 18% of the population of the United States of America and is all set to become 28% by the year 2060 as per the U.S. Census Bureau, but the rate at which the Latinos businesses are coming forward surpasses the Latina population statistics. The top Latinas entrepreneur has already become popular names to seek inspiration from. Many of them are women like Geisha Williams, CEO and president of PG&E and first Latina to lead a Fortune 500 company, who have proven to the world that they have excellent entrepreneurial skills along with other qualities which has helped them reach the highest point of the corporate ladder. 

Not only corporate, there are many of them who have become the stars of the Hollywood while they have flourishing business firms too. Some Latinos hold key positions in the multi-million- dollar firms and are known to contribute significantly to the growth of the firm. For your daily dose of motivation, you can read the list of the 50 Most Powerful Latina women in corporate America published by the Association of Latino Professionals for America. This list contains name of many Latina executives who are now names of global recognition and reputation. 

As per the National Women’s Business Council, Latinas owns around 788,000 businesses in the U.S generating more than $65 billion revenue, it is a 45% rise as compared to the year 2002. Many Latinas entrepreneurs have no paid employees, which mean that these companies are run by a set of people who run businesses like property agents, contractors, salesperson, etc. at a small scale from their homes. It is a low-cost option of entering the business and it allows flexibility of working hours and other factors too. 

Not only women, but Hispanic men also have success stories to share. Jorge Perez, founder of the Related Group, which offered affordable housing first but today offers high-end condominiums, is aiming to make it bigger by having many more joint ventures. Other names those deserve a mention here, are Jordi Munoz with Chris Anderson launched 3D Robotics who made more than hundred million dollars in their venture.


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